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Sixmilebridge - Your Town, Your Plan – Have your say!  

18 November 2022

Sixmilebridge has been chosen as a key town under the first phase of the National Town Centre First initiative. This means a 'Town Centre First' vision and plan will be developed for the town, which will identify key projects and actions to be delivered to revitalise Sixmilebridge Town Centre.

Clare County Council in conjunction with an Integrated Design Team led by Allies and Morrison Ltd has commenced the process of developing a masterplan for Sixmilebridge town centre. The objective for the masterplan is to create a town centre that functions as a viable, vibrant and an attractive location for people to live, work and visit, whilst also functioning as the service, social, cultural and recreational hub for the local community.

We are starting to prepare a vision for the future of Sixmilebridge Town Centre and want to hear from you, as your involvement and feedback is vital to this process.

The Design Team are looking at all aspects of the town from retail offering, community services and facilities, green/outdoor space, the heritage and historical significance of the town, new employment opportunities, reuse of vacant properties, and movement across the town – walking, cycling, traffic and parking. We want to ensure that we capture all local knowledge and potential ideas from the wider Sixmilebridge community to ensure that the plan reflects actions and projects that can be delivered on the ground for you, your families and local businesses, and that targeted Government funding can be identified to support the delivery of these projects, where appropriate.

The programme below sets out the stages of the masterplan process, with opportunities for you to get involved highlighted in pink. We hope to keep the dialogue open throughout the process.

We would welcome your feedback on how you think Sixmilebridge can be improved as an attractive and vibrant place to live, work, and spend time. Your views will help shape the vision and strategy of the masterplan. We have prepared an online public consultation portal available at and as part of this stage of the public consultation process, we are conducting an online survey for the purposes of gathering valuable information and feedback. We would love to hear from you and invite you to participate in our survey.

The online portal will also facilitate you in making any submissions and observations that you may have. There are two options in which to do so, one by writing your feedback and comments directly into a comments box and secondly, by uploading a document.

Submissions or observations can be made during the public consultation period which will run from Wednesday 16th November 2022 until 5.00pm on Monday 12th December 2022.

The resulting Town Centre First Masterplan will provide an overall strategy for the town centre of Sixmilebridge, identifying opportunities for improvements, and proposing strategies and projects to be delivered in the short, medium, and long term. Clare County Council, through the Shannon Municipal District, will use the masterplan to implement improvements and projects, seek funding, and inform conversations with other government bodies in order to deliver positive change for Sixmilebridge. Your input is therefore essential to this process, and we are very grateful for your thoughts and feedback. 

Page last reviewed: 18/11/22

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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